Who we are
Take Away Hunger is a food relief organization that unifies teams of people who package a specialized rice based soy casserole mixture which is used locally and overseas.
It is based on a simple principle of people helping people, in this instance, even kids! Take Away Hunger not only nourishes hungry children, but the spirits of the volunteers who pack the meals.
Take Away Hunger is a (501)c3 non-profit organization.

We can't do this alone. Even a gift as small as $1.50 can make a difference. Will you share today?

Is doing the work more up your alley? We would love to help you organize a planning party or a wing unit of your own to further our mission to feed the hungry.

Our mission is to mobilize cities to feed nations. We believe if you give sacrificially, you will be rewarded. Do you share our vision?

Our Story
In August of 1999, Don and Sandee Fields moved from the Cedar Rapids/Marion area to southern Iowa where they purchased a large warehouse facility 8 miles south of Brighton. Not until the fall of 2002 did they know what purpose that warehouse would serve. Don and Sandee became aware of a missions based program called Kids Against Hunger based in New Hope, Minnesota. After traveling to New Hope and meeting the program’s founder, Richard Proudfit, they became the first Kids Against Hunger packaging distribution center in Iowa in March of 2003. In their first year of operation, they packaged 250,000 meals. They quickly realized the potential their humble operation had, and the vision grew to Mobilize Cities to Feed Nations. They began to reproduce what they were doing with wing centers in communities all around the state. As to date there are 17 active food packaging location, 13 of which Don and Sandee oversee and supply product and equipment to.
In 2010, those wing units were responsible for producing 4 million meals which are being used in four nations and also here in the state of Iowa. At the present time they supply KAH food to the Fellowship Cup in Mt. Pleasant, the Crisis Center in Iowa City, and the Southeast Iowa Food Bank in Ottumwa. Through these three outreaches they are supplying 2,500 meals per week locally.
In 2010 Kids Against Hunger moved from their Brighton location to the new office warehouse location at 1301 West Saunders Ave, in Mt Pleasant, where they are continuing to grow and expand.Their goal is to establish 50 wing units in the state of Iowa to help fight global hunger.
In 2016, Don and Sandee rebranded their company under the name Take Away Hunger. Their mission remains the same: feed the hungry and show the love of Jesus.